

dydx OPS SubDAO Glossary

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dYdX operational trust

the legal entity formed to wrap the dYdX operations subDAO

First iteration of the DOT

dYdX operations trust formed after the first community vote on 19.12.2022 with a 6 month mandate

Second term of the DOT

the community voted to extend the DOTs mandate and add to its responsibilities with an additional 18 month mandate starting from 19.06.2023

Operations subset of the dYdX DAO

A subset of the dYdX DAO, mandated by the dYdX community to setup DAO operations (communication channels) and the dYdX V4 product

the newest iteration of the dYdX product soon to be deployed

dYdX trading will open source a totally new version of dYdX migrating to a proprietary appchain built on the cosmos SDK

core infrastructure piece of the new dYdX V4

The indexer is comprised of

Frontend for the new dYdX V4 product

dYdX V4 is running on a proprietary appchain built on the cosmos SDK to enable the best trading experience for dYdX users

The start of the dYdX V4 appchain

the V4 Genesis event is the start of the dYdX V4 appchain

appchain validators

The validators are running the V4 appchain and coming to consens on new blocks

dYdX Operations Services Ltd.

Cayman exempted company controlled by the DOT

dYdX Ecosystem Development Program formaly

DEP’s primary goal is to serve as a partnerships and funding arm of dYdX, helping support infrastructure, chain services, protocol development, and growth. The DEP will collaborate with other individual contributors, entities, and subDAOs including dYdX Trading, dYdX Foundation, and the dYdX Operations subDAO, to identify impactful areas of support. The DEP’s day-to-day operations will be overseen by six contributors, five trustees, and one enforcer.

dYdX Grants Program

old name for current DEP

dYdX Operations Foundation

successor entity to DOS